May 22, 2021

Good morning professor Dung,

My name is Jordan __  I attended one of your micro/macroeconomics classes in 2011.  Your lectures were somewhat over my head at the time (I'm 36 now) due to lack of real world context.

There was a moment in one of your lectures that has always stuck with me....

You had this very intense look in your eyes when you said these words "That's what I don't understand about this country", "It's run by banks, and hedge funds that don't actually contribute"  or something like that.  They don't produce, they don't contribute, you are correct!

At the time I didn't know what a hedge fund was.  It took the worst president of my generation, and a pandemic to force myself to learn this stuff thoroughly.

I retaught myself Micro, Macro, American History, our political system and how our financial system works in general.  It's an embarrassment!!

 I even retaught myself "American" history the right way.  I researched it myself.  Our country, as you probably know, is far far from the greatest country on earth.  It's a giant pyramid scheme, with no real family or social values.

I think you were right. Our whole financial system is one big joke.  I was hoping we could chat over some tea sometime.  Or we can do a zoom call if you'd like.

Thank you for being the best part of this world!





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